How To Keep Your Brand Consistent - And Why You Need To

Do you ever stop and wonder about how brands can achieve such incredible recognition? It isn’t just because they have an excellent product or service ... and it doesn't come down to simply having a cool logo. Brand recognition comes down to one simple yet oh-so-complicated word: consistency.

Consistency is something I preach about here at My Wolf Design. Brand consistency is simply when a brand communicates messages that doesn’t detract or wander away from the core brand strategy, values, and foundation of the business.


Repetition and consistency are two cornerstones of any successful branding strategy. By presenting your brand consistently, over time, consumers will internalize your brand values and be more likely to purchase.

Here are some benefits of ensuring brand consistency across your business:

  • Brand consistency shows how committed and intentional the brand is in achieving its goals and maintaining standards.

  • Sticking to brand values and maintaining a consistent image in the public eye will shape the way people see the brand, therefore managing your Brand Image.

  • Consistency allows consumers to know exactly what to expect each time they do business with you.

Showing up

I wanted to make sure I said this before anything else because simply showing up for your business consistently will increase your brand recognition. Making yourself more visible to your audience consistently keeps you at the front of their minds. The more they see you, the more they’ll recognize you and the more you’ll intrigue them to follow you. When you show up for your audience, you’re building a relationship with them, and they’re trusting that you’ll give them exactly what you promise when you promise it. Keeping your promise to your followers is vital in maintaining a close and sometimes personal relationship with them.

Having a brand style guide

A brand style guide is a brief blueprint that displays the visual elements of a brand. When you work with a designer to create your branding, they should deliver a Brand Style Guide as a part of your package. It's a simple tool that adds so much power to your business when used correctly. By constantly sticking to your style guide's visual rules, you create consistency, which creates memorability, trust, and a loyal community of followers.

Having an Intentional brand message

Your brand message is the heart of your brand. Your message needs to be something that you believe in so deeply. Why? Because booking clients means you're convincing others to believe in your message. You want others to believe in your message so much that they want to work with you to learn, achieve or apply what you have to offer! When you have a refined brand message that you believe in, creating content for your business becomes a breeze. Copy, packaging, pricing, blogging, planning, reaching income goals... all of it! 

Focus on your passions

When you think about your services, packages, and offers, you’re probably thinking about the wrong things. Instead of having your ideal client in mind as you figure this out, let’s shift gears. Think about the transformation you want to provide. What is it? How can you best deliver it? How does it correlate with your message? When you focus on a transformation that you’re passionate about facilitating for others, rather than the transformation your “ideal client needs and wants,” your work becomes much more fun. 

Using social media

Social media can serve as an asset to your business when used correctly. Presenting your business on social media is extremely tricky because it is a place of activity, engagement, constant posting, being more personal, and continuous change. Using social media correctly involves the following:

  • Curating images that correctly represent your brand

  • Editing these images to create a cohesive look every time

  • Using your feed as a place to display your message through consistent copy and tone.

  • Delivering value your audience won’t get elsewhere

  • Utilizing tools like Instagram Stories, IGTV, and sticker features

Social media is a place I tend to be more vulnerable and personal. When representing a business, you have to be very intentional. With each image, caption, follow, like, and comment, your brand should be kept in the front of your mind!

Planning Long-Term

Waking up each day and “figuring it out” is not a sustainable business model. Planning your quarters and months out gives you a bigger picture and long-term goal to be focused on - keeping you consistent throughout time to achieve it. It also allows your day-to-day content to be much more intentional. And can we talk about the confidence boost quarterly planning gives you?! Being able to say your content is planned and knowing what is being posted, when, and why, you will feel so much better about your business and yourself. You’ll be able to achieve more because you will no longer be working in your business, you’ll be working ON your business.

Client experience

Your clients will inevitably share their experience working with you to other business owners #helloreferrals To keep those referrals coming in, you’re going to need to ensure that each client has the same amazing experience! But how the heck can you ensure that? How can you guarantee that each client gets the exact same experience? AUTOMATION! Using the system Dubsado, I’ve been able to automate my client on and off-boarding processes so that each client is put through the exact same (and fun) experience! 

Remember, consistency is the key to positioning your brand and scale it into the business you dream of. More eyes on your business mean more loyal followers you’ll obtain, and more profit you’ll bring in.

Are you consistent with your branding? What do you do to make sure you stay on track?

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio

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