8 Items to Always Include in Your Services Proposal

Create a proposal that gets results.

This post we will discuss what to include in your services proposal and how to make the most of this important step in your sales process.

Here are 8 Items to always include in your services proposal, in this order.

Welcome Introduction

In the welcome introduction, you will want to thank the client for considering you for their project. You can also include a brief overview of your services and what makes you the perfect fit for the job.

About You

The about you section is where you will talk about your qualifications and experience. This is your opportunity to sell yourself and convince the client that you are the best person for the job.

Project Details & Timeline

In the project details and timeline section, you will want to include information such as the scope of work, deliverables, and the timeline for completion. This is where you will outline what you will be doing for the client and when they can expect to receive the finished product.

Scope of Work & Investment

In the scope of work and pricing section, you will want to include information such as the scope of work, deliverables, pricing, and payment terms. This is where you will outline what you will be doing for the client and how much it will cost.

Add-on Packages

If you offer any add-on services, this is where you will include them in your proposal. Add-on services are optional services that the client can choose to purchase if they wish. Think of this as your upsells.


Including testimonials from past clients is a great way to build trust and credibility with your potential client. Testimonials show that you are a reputable business that can be trusted to deliver on your promises.

Frequently Asked Questions

The frequently asked questions section is where you will answer any questions that the client may have about your proposal. This is your chance to address any concerns that they may have and reassure them that you are the best person for the job.

Next Steps

In the next steps section, you will want to include information on how to get started with your project. This is where you will outline the steps that the client needs to take in order to get started. This could be completing the proposal, then going on to signing the contract & paying the deposit to secure the project. By doing this three-in-one proposal will also save you and your client time.

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio


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