Copywriting Etiquette: 10 Do's & Don'ts You Should Know

The key to effectively connecting with your audience online? Effective copywriting.

Your digital marketing strategy should take a mutli-channel approach, meaning a cohesive website, email marketing strategy and social media presence. While your branding can help to ensure consistency across all channels and digital platforms, your copywriting should effectively showcase your business through both the tone and messaging. With the right approach to copywriting, you can build trust with your online community, establish credibility, build new relationships, help to inform and engage readers, and further enhance your reputation online.

Whether you are creating website copy, writing a blog post or publishing content to social media, here are 10 do’s and don’ts you should know before getting started!

5 Copywriting Do’s

Include a Call-to-Action

We can’t stress enough how important your call-to-action (CTA) is. The right placement and use of a CTA can provide your audience with an easy way to get in touch with you, especially after reading your compelling copy!

Here are some great examples of CTA’s:






With a CTA, you’re provided with the opportunity to connect with an audience member who is maybe not ready to purchase or commit just yet. The right wording, placement and style of your CTA can allow the reader to learn more about your brand, products and/or services, without commitment and possibly by downloading something for free!

We encourage you to ensure that each page has CTAs in hyperlinked text, buttons and a form.

Make Copy “Skimmable”

The unfortunate truth that many copywriters really don’t want to hear, is that often readers don’t read every single word in a piece of content. Especially when it comes to a webpage or blog post. By ensuring that your content is easy to read and skimmable, you can help to get your main points across - no matter who the reader is or how they consume content online.

Don’t underestimate the power of formatting your copy. To ensure that your content is skimmable, we suggest using a variety of:

  • Headlines (H1, H2, H3, and H4)

  • Bulleted and numbered lists

  • Bolded text and italics

  • Visuals, such as images, graphics and videos

  • Banners and buttons

Not only will this help make your content more consumable, but you may also find that this approach to formatting can actually help during the content creation process by keeping your thoughts more organized.

Use Consumable Language

Did you know that the average person has a seven or eight grade reading level?

While it may be tempting to use advanced language and communicate thoughts through complex sentences, this can actually steer readers away from your content. Not only that, but even those with more advanced reading skills may find themselves in need of a light read that doesn’t require them to use their critical thinking skills.

To effectively communicate and engage with your audience, we suggest using language that is both simple and consumable. To do this, try using shorter sentences, common words and avoiding industry jargon.

In the case that jargon or complex terminology is required, take a brief moment to quickly explain - or use a graphic to provide additional context!

Equally Prioritize Benefits and Features

While communicating the benefits of a product or service can allow you to better communicate with readers, it isn’t always the case. There are often circumstances where outlining the features can prove to be equally as effective, if not more!

It is very dependent on the purpose of your copy. If you are explaining a certain area of your business or outlining a service that is offered, identifying the benefits may be a more effective approach. While on the other hand, a piece of content comparing two products or advertising something new may better benefit from highlighting the features instead

The bottom line is that you should take time to identify which approach will be more helpful and relatable to readers based on the purpose of your content.

Recognize the Importance of Headlines

Adding headlines to your digital content is so important. Not only will the use of H1, H2, H3, and H4 headlines help to keep your copy organized and easy to read, it can also help to boost your SEO efforts.

We suggest using a variety of headlines with each piece of content or webpage that is published to your website, email that is deployed and even the descriptions of your YouTube videos! Headlines can even be used in your social media strategy, with text on images and longer captions.

5 Copywriting Don’ts

Limit Your Word Count

Setting a word count on a piece of copy can ultimately set your content up for failure. To properly communicate with your audience through engaging and informative copy, you should always include as many words as it takes to get your message across. Compressing your thoughts too much can leave readers feeling confused or with a lack of context in a certain area, leaving them looking elsewhere for the information they seek.

This also includes creating a piece of content with a goal number of words to hit. If the intent of a blog or webpage doesn’t constitute 1500 words to properly relay your message, you risk adding filler copy or creating a fluffy piece of content. This is often more frustrating to readers, as they have to really search to find the answer they are looking for.

Prioritize Design Over Copy

While the design of a webpage is extremely important, so is the copy. Never should a headline or block of content be limited to fit into a certain design. Instead, the copy should guide the layout of a page during the initial design process. This will help to ensure that the right headlines are attracting attention and that the copy is effectively informing readers with the right messaging, information and data.

Think of it like this:

Should you change your body to fit into certain clothes, or should clothes be made to fit your body? The same idea can be applied to copy and web design.

This is where the partnership between a copywriter and web designer is imperative. By working together, they can create a webpage that keeps readers interested and informed, while still providing an aesthetically pleasing end result.

Use Long Lists

In most cases, we suggest using the Goldilocks rule when creating a bulleted or numbered list. Your list shouldn’t be too long, or too short, but instead - just right!

The perfect range for a list is 3-5 items. If your list must be longer, consider how your design could come into play. For example, two rows of three or four items. This can help to break up the length and make it easier for readers to quickly skim the copy.

Copy Competitors

Is imitation always the best form of flattery?

While it’s always a good idea to see what your competition is up to, it’s not always ideal to copy them. This includes everything from the aesthetic and branding, to their written content. Not only can this affect your brand reputation, leaving your audience questioning your authenticity and reliability, but also the SEO of your website. Google really does frown upon duplicate content!

Instead, take the high road and see how you can use your copywriting to instead set your business apart from competitors. It isn’t always about coming out on top, but creating a business strategy that helps your target audience find the services, products and information online that will best help them in the long run.

Take the Easy Route

The moment you hit a roadblock or things get difficult, it often means that you’re on the brink of genius. Instead of taking the easy way out, by changing the intent of your blog or pressing backspace, take some time to work through your thoughts and power through.

If your copywriting is coming a little too easy, chances are you might need to dig a little deeper and really create something that will help to inform your readers.

Elevate Your Online Presence Today

Whether you’re thinking about taking your business online or your online presence could use a little TLC, we’re here to help! At My Wolf Design, we’re proud to offer our clients a wide range of design services and business solutions that can help to build an online presence, create consistency between digital platforms and strengthen your overall reputation through trust and genuine connections.

To learn more about our process or get started, contact us today!

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio

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