Social Media Trends for 2022 You Need to Know


Welcome to 2022!

New year, new social media trends? You heard that right! Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for social media and digital marketing in general is more important than ever before. While brands and their audiences were already well on their way to creating a well-rounded online presence and taking advantage of the benefits, the pandemic most definitely sped everything along. Especially as the demand for online shopping and alternative forms of communication soared.

As we enter the new year, our team at My Wolf Design has a few predictions for the top social media trends of 2022, based on years of experience and industry research. 

Our top seven predictions for social media trends in 2022 include:

  1. Forming Lasting Relationships with Quality Content

  2. Tiktok, Reels and Video Content

  3. Social Media e-Commerce Platforms

  4. More Strategic Social Ads (with bigger budgets)

  5. Creative Approach to Customer Service

  6. Augmented Reality

  7. Sophisticated Influencer Marketing

Now that you have an idea of what we believe to be the top social media trends for 2022, let’s dive in and take a closer look!

Quality Content and Forming Relationships

If the ever-changing Google algorithm has shown digital marketers and social media experts anything, it’s the importance of creating quality content. By quality content, we are referring to content that is:

  • Engaging

  • Informative

  • Accurate

The key to forming a genuine and lasting relationship with your target audience is creating social media content that hits all three of these marks. This can be achieved through completing research, using reputable sources and, of course, using graphics and images that are visually appealing and consistent with your brand.

TikTok and Video Content

There’s no denying that TikTok has taken social media by storm. With over 1 billion TikTok users, it’s obvious that this platform driven by video content isn’t going anywhere. Not anytime soon, at least.

So what has the success behind the TikTok app shown us? That users crave video content.

And what’s not to love? It’s quick, consumable and incredibly engaging - so long as you’re doing it right! And with an algorithm that can show you exactly what you want to see, it’s hard not to love scrolling through for hours on end.

With the introduction and success of features such as Reels on Instagram, it’s hard to ignore the connection between video content and a more enjoyable user experience. 

Social Media e-Commerce Platforms

In 2020 and 2021, many of us noticed an increase of e-commerce features on social media platforms, such as Facebook Marketplace and Instagram Shop. While it’s important to have a brick and mortar online store via a website, allowing your audience to also make purchases via a social media platform can make your brand and products all the more accessible.

With many advancements over the last few years, shoppers are able to complete each stage of the purchase journey on social media. From start to finish, users don’t have to worry about opening a new tab or hopping on a computer instead of their phone or tablet, further simplifying and streamlining their shopping experience.

With no signs of e-commerce in social media slowing down, we’re confident that this trend is just getting started.

Strong Social Strategies

With many brands taking their business online, standing out against the competition is no walk in the park. In order to reach your target audience and leave a lasting impression that keeps shoppers coming back for more, you’ll need a strong social strategy.

Not only will brands and businesses be spending more on social advertising, but they will also be working harder to create content and ads that genuinely engage and connect with their target market.

What we find to be most interesting is where these dollars are being spent. In the past, brands and businesses focused their ad spend on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Linkedin. While it’s still integral to have a presence on these social media platforms and put money behind advertising there too, we’re also expecting to add TikTok, Snapchat and Pinterest to that list.

So, as you plan and strategize for the next year of content creation, advertising and social media management, you may want to consider further thinking outside of the box and finding new ways to stand out against the competition.

Creative Customer Service

As the pandemic continues, so does the increase of demand for products, services and supplies across many, many industries. This increase in demand and limited supply has made it incredibly difficult for businesses, large and small, to keep up with order fulfillment.

This has resulted in limited stock, long delivery wait times and even contributed to the ever-growing inflation.

While these long wait times and limited stock issues are rarely the businesses fault, and a direct result of the pandemic-related factors mentioned above, many consumers will take their complaints to social media.

To help resolve these feelings of frustration and maintain brand reputation, your social media team will need to be ready and waiting with a strong and creative customer service strategy.

No matter the situation at hand, your social media team should always:

  • Address their concerns (publicly and privately)

  • Be transparent and honest

  • Maintain respect and professionalism

  • Act quickly

  • Apologize when an apology is warranted

Be prepared for anything with a strong crisis management team, plan and strategy.

Augmented Reality

There are many undeniable benefits of online shopping. From the ability to better stick within your budget to the convenience of never having to leave your home, there are so many reasons to browse for your favourite products and services online.

Lucky for us savvy shoppers, technology is constantly changing and growing to meet our needs and the rise in demand. This includes, but is not limited to, augmented reality.

Augmented reality allows shoppers to visualize merchandise before they buy. Whether it be a pair of glasses, backyard swimming pool or a new outfit, all you need is a smartphone and camera to take advantage of this modern technology.

Sophisticated and Streamlined Influencer Marketing

Influencers have the ability to tap into a wide range of markets in ways that many brands have only dreamed of. Reputable influencers work hard to create genuine and lasting connections with their audience, earning trust through having similar interests and aligned beliefs.

What makes the partnership between a brand and influencer so special? That it is genuine and real. Influencers can only maintain their credibility by promoting products and services that they legitimately use, enjoy or find helpful. The moment an influencer promotes a product that they don’t believe in or use themselves, is when the trust with their audience begins to crumble and fade.

So, how is influencer marketing changing in 2022? We believe that influencers who value their followers and aim to provide them with truthful information will continue to flourish and maintain their brand partnerships, while the less than reputable creators will see less and less of the limelight.

We predict that these brand partnerships will be more strategic and well defined, resulting in stronger content for the creator and a better ROI for the business or brand.

Especially, as e-commerce in social media continues to grow.

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio

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