You Will Never Be Totally Ready For Your Website Launch

If you've been thinking that you'll get to your website someday – like when you have everything ready, when you have the right amount of time, that perfect photoshoot on the books, or when the stars align – you'll never actually launch your website.

We've talked with hundreds of people who desperately want to start their business, get their website live, and really change their life, but they get stuck waiting "to be ready." It happens all the time.

So when we talk to people who want to be entreprenuers but are stuck waiting to be ready, we bust out one of our favorite Amy Poehler quotes (and no, it's not from Baby Mama).

"Great people do things before they are ready." – Amy Poehler

If you've been feeling like you've been waiting for the right moment to focus on your website or launching your business, listen up! We've got 3 steps to get moving in the right direction so your website can be up and live (like yesterday).

1. Simplify your business model, your product, your offerings, and your services.

It can be tempting to offer everything and the kitchen sink when you’re first starting out your business and figuring out your offerings, but we’d recommending you pare down as much as possible. In just a quick list, you could simplify your business model, your process, your product, your services, your main offerings, who you serve (your niche & ideal client).

2. Craft a Brand Bio: Your one-sentence statement for your business.

This statement not only helps you stand out, but it also helps you articulate what you do quickly and simply. This clarity can really be a big stepping point in making sure you’re starting off on the right foot with your brand or business.

3. Launch your website with a pre designed brand template.

We encourage new or first-time entrepreneurs to utilize a template design rather than spending the custom branding price tag. You’ll be learning so much about your business in your first weeks, months, and even years that you’ll want to make sure you aren’t investing time and money into a vision that may quickly change as your business gets established and grows.

Shop the pre designed brand kits here.

What do you think? Ready to skip "feeling ready" for your website launch?

We believe really strongly in the idea of launching now (or ASAP) with what you have, on a budget, and with the bare bones or basics on your website, and then as your business grows, evolves, changes, and as you learn more about your offerings and your audience, then keep refining and growing your website right alongside it.


PS – Skip to the bottom? We strongly believe that you'll never feel fully ready to launch your website, so you may as well dive in with what you have!

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio

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