5 Reasons Why Great Brands Don’t Win Everyone’s Heart


It's only natural that you want everyone to love your brand. But if everyone likes your brand, you're probably doing something wrong. You’re not taking risks, trying things or even failing and learning what it takes to make your brand resonate with your true prospects.

Your brand shouldn’t be for everyone. You’ve heard it before, but it’s worth repeating. Too often, brands fall into the trap of trying to attract everyone at the expense of creating a strong, well-defined brand.

When it comes to brand management, here are five reminders why it’s ok if your brand doesn’t appeal to everyone.

1. You’ll find your most passionate supporters.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show was initially panned when it was released in 1975, but the quirky horror musical is still playing in theaters 40 years later and continuing to attract new fans. It’s hard to imagine a movie with mass-market appeal having such a passionate fan base. Similarly, if your brand is trying to please everyone, you’re less likely to find ardent followers.

2. You’ll gain trust.

Have you ever known someone who was nice to everyone? It’s hard to tell whether they really like you or they’re just being polite. Customers who sense your brand tries to appeal to everyone might question whether you really know and care about them.

3. You can be more creative.

You’d love to use a certain joke or graphic, but you’re worried that some people won’t understand the reference or might be offended. When your brand doesn’t take risks, there is less room for creativity and your campaign falls flat. In a world where people are almost inundated with content everyday, brands need to be even more creative to stay ahead of the competition.

4. You’ll make decisions more easily.

You probably don’t waste a lot of time deciding what to wear to see your best friend or your spouse because you’re comfortable being yourself in front of them. The same applies to your brand — if you have a well-defined brand and know your true followers, you won’t have to waste energy attracting an audience that’s not interested in your product or service anyway.

5. You’ll generate enthusiasm.

Sure, almost everyone likes vanilla, but how many people are thrilled about it? Consider whether you want customers to like your brand or love it. The ones who are enthusiastic about what you’re doing are more likely to tell their friends or spread the love through social media channels.

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio


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